Questions About Statistical Basics? Don't Worry, You are Not Alone
Not sure if I have even seen a student who needs help with advanced stats stuff only, because they know the basics pretty well. Overall, I can tell, at least in my experience, that students either get lost in their Stats class right at the beginning, or they don't really get lost at all.
That may sound like a blunt statement, but I really find its meets empirical data I have seen. To me, this should come as an advantage, in terms of information. Kind of, "if it is half of the semester and you haven't lost yet, likely you will not get lost and you will be fine".
Of course that is a simpler way of putting. Naturally sometimes we get customers who want to sharpen their skills to ace their Stats class. But they are not lost, really. My theory is, if you will get lost and fall behind to the point that you will endanger your chances of passing Stats, you will know soon. And that is great because then you will look for help from a Stats tutor quick.
First is First: What are basics of statistics?
Most college Stats courses will start with descriptive statistics, with different types of graphs, used for different purposes and with different measures of center and dispersion, so to quantity numerically certain properties of the distribution you are studying.
Why this apparently basic information could appear complicated? Because there are concepts behind them. Each type of graph follows a precise mathematical procedure to be constructed, and once constructed, it has a concise interpretation that can be obtained from them.
Yeah, constructing graphs and computing descriptive statistics is quite easy using software, but bear in mind that that in your stats class you will likely be required to construct the graphs by hand, doing all the calculations manually. That can be laborious. And on top of that, you need to precisely and concisely interpret what is the graph telling you about the distribution that is being studied.

What textbooks are used for basic statistics?
Times have changed. It used to be the case that almost everyone was using Triola's basic statistics textbook. Nowadays I see a much more ample selection. Mostly I see Stats books with specialty, like "Basic Stats for Nurses" or "Statistics for Psychology".
In reality they all come with the same basic statistics formulas, but I guess having the "Nursing" or "Psychology" or "Social Sciences" in the title make them feel some kind of familiarity. So, that is fine, if it has that kind of purpose.
Ultimately, I would like to convince you (maybe I will not be able to, but I will try), that the thing is not in the book. Regardless what the book is your using, the strategy will always be the same: practice a lot solving sample problems, and acquire sample solved problems to learn the procedure. And then practice and practice.

Can I benefit for Basic Statistics Tutorials that I find around?
The answer is yes and no. Yes because it is always beneficial to read of watch stats tutorials. It won't hurt. But when you are falling behind on your stats classes because you are not getting the basics of statistics, you are on a mission, and you NEED to concentrate on what has to do strictly with your class.
Watching say Youtube stats tutorials will give you a general, broad view, but what you need is specific, laser targeted concentration with the material of YOUR course. So, if your instructors left a video on Youtube, by all means watch it, over and over. If there are Zoom meetings with the instructor or T.A.. make sure to attend.
My point being, don't waste time on general knowledge if you are in troubles, focus strongly on the material your instructor provides. Ask for sample questions. Ask for what will be in the test. What type of questions, how many?
Instructors do respond to students' queries. Students in general ask much less than the tolerance that instructors have before saying "it is too much". Use than on your benefit. Instructors need to be evaluated well by students in order to get renewed in their positions, so they will go the extra mile.
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