The Best Way to Get Statistics Homework Answers
Whether it is midterms season, or it is a simple homework assignment that is due, you will always find students that are urged to find a way of solving their Stats problems. Often times for the wrong reasons.
There are always students that fixate on getting answers, and they want to skip the processes. I am not going to be preaching about the importance of learning and all that, but I have to say that learning is crucial. If you learn first, you will be able to solve mostly any stats problems. If you concentrate on finding solutions, you will only get that, solutions. Like, "give a man fish and he will eat for one day, teach him how to fish and he will have food forever".
Too philosophical? Well, not really, because it is a universal truth, and it is a really simple and clear one. But to the point, I see that when you are looking for answers, either to your Stats homework, or to a sample test to prepare for a midterm or a final, you are kind of desperate: You have skipped class for a while, or you were plain lost and you simple fell behind.
You did not like the instructor, so you would not go to office hours, and the T.A. is too hard to catch, and consequently, you were not finding a way to catch up. So, what do you do?

First, Define the Level of Urgency
That is clearly the first step. How much time to have to get the answer you are looking for? Weeks? If that is the case, you should try to go back to your textbook and try to solve the problems yourself. Go and read the lecture notes, check the book, the examples. Swallow your pride and show up to office hours. You will see that learning the material and solving the problems yourself it is by far the best way to get those answer you so much need.
The benefits of doing the work yourself are large and broad. You will save money, you will learn and you will even look prettier (that is a mysterious side effect). And not to mention it, you will be better prepared for your upcoming Stats classes.
So, how about if you only have days to complete your assignment? Then, you will have to make an honest assignment about your current condition. Is it likely that you will finish the work on your own by first learning the material and then working on the problems?
If the answer is no, then you have to likely find external help. In my work as a chief tutor at MGT, we have been helping people with their statistics homework for years, and it is usually the case that people come to us when it is almost too late. The earlier to respond to the need to finding help, the more and better options you will have.

What If You Haven't Even Started the Semester
Well the best place to start is typically when you have a lot of time. The best way of not getting lost in your stats class and to be able to solve the hw questions on your own is by not missing anything. Go to class, and whenever you don't understand something, ask.
Like when you were a kid (or when I was kid, maybe things were different), if you did not know something, you would to the encyclopedia and look for the answer. Wait, that was probably me. When you did not know something you went to Google and found the answer. You need to act as soon as something does not look crystal clear to you. That is the only way to ensure that you won't fall behind in your class and you won't need any external help.
Normally, when you have the benefit of time you will have excellent math and stats software (often times for free) that will help you with the task at hand. Lots of resources out there for you to find. The problem is when you don't have the benefit of time.
So, what do you do when you did not do things right and now you are late and need to get answers to your stats homework or answers to you midterm sample test. What do you do? Like I mentioned above, assess your urgency. If possible, try to get into super mode, buy a triple mocha latte and catch up and do it yourself.
But if it is too late, then you need to deal with the emergency at hand, and in that case you will probably need to contact a stats tutor who can help you. Make sure to use common sense to find a person that will actually help you.
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